School of Fashion
Technical Cutting and Sewing Course in English!
Technical Cutting and Sewing Course
The Swiss Beauty Academy in Zurich is opening new classes for the Technical Cutting and Sewing Course. We are training professionals to work in this area, with this professional qualification we offer courses and seminars in English:
– Technical Cutting and Sewing Course (duration 3 months)
Optional courses:
– Pattern Cutting, Sewing and Modelling Course (duration 6 months)
– Fashion Designer Course (duration 7 to 12 months)
Our School offers the Technical Cutting and Sewing Course in several languages. The current offer can be found on our website Swiss Fashion Academy. The practical classes are partially held in mixed groups, which enable interaction with other cultures during the course
Professional Profile of the Cutting & Sewing Technician
The professional trained as a Cutting and Sewing Technician shall receive the title of Pilot. He or she is responsible for implementing the designer’s sketch (design) into the piece of garment, from a ready-made pattern. His or her role is to cut and stitch-closed the garment piece, with all necessary trims. He or she may also work as a freelancer in their own workshop, offering trimming and repair services.
Objectives of the Technical Cutting and Sewing Course:
Upon completing the three-months’ Technical Cutting and Sewing Course Programme, the student will be able to work as freelancers, offering their work directly to the consumer. They can also work in a clothes making company as a pilot. The course shall make the student apt to cut and sew garments. No prior technical knowledge is required.
Pre requisites for participating in the Technical Cutting and Sewing Course:
– Be at least 16 years of age
– Have an interest in sewing
– Have aesthetic sense and some crafting skills
Theoretical Content of the Technical Cutting and Sewing Course:
– Knowledge of sewing machines and their operations (domestic, industrial lockstitch, zigzag and overlocking machines)
– Main types of fabrics and how to identify them
– Types of needles and their uses
Practical Content of the Technical Cutting and Sewing Course:
– How to sew zippers, sew on buttons and open buttonholes
– Knowledge of sewing machines and their operations
– Types of needles available and their uses
– How to work with delicate and smooth fabrics and skins
– Fine trimmings
– Hems made using both machine and by hand
– Types of pockets and how to adapt them to the desired piece
Periodic and End of Course Evaluation for the Technical Cutting and Sewing Course:
The theoretical, practical and written coursework shall be assessed and marked by the Technical Cutting and Sewing Course instructor. Time, predisposition and an interest in researching on their own and further developing of the theoretical content is expected from the student. Practical training at home of the techniques learnt at school is elementary. Students who pass the Technical Cutting and Sewing Course shall receive a Diploma issued by the Swiss Beauty Academy. This diploma certifies that you have the necessary expertise and shall suffice for you to work as a freelancer or in your area.
Dates and Prices of the Technical Cutting and Sewing Course:
The list of materials for the training in the Technical Cutting and Sewing Course is mandatory for all students enrolled. The Swiss Beauty Academy will provide a list of materials needed for one’s personal use, to the approximate amount of CHF 4,000. Included in this amount are a laptop and a sewing machine, which will be used for theoretical and practical work to be undertaken at home.
Discount for the Technical Cutting and Sewing Course:
- 10% discount when visiting a second course, including courses and seminars at the Swiss Beauty Academy and the Swiss Business University
- 3% discount for cash payments.
We will be happy to welcome you on your visit, where we will personally introduce you to our Technical Cutting and Sewing Course. Why not take the opportunity to join us in a half-day class where you can get to know us better without commitment.
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